Timeline (2025)

January 2025: Secure Fiscal Sponsor

  • Finalize and secure a fiscal sponsor to support CSI operations and funding.

  • Align with fiscal sponsor on compliance, reporting, and fund disbursement processes.

  • Begin outreach to secure a Legacy Partner (LP) for Phase II.

February – May 2025: Prepare for Implementation

  • Finalize internal systems, including data collection methods and operational workflows.

  • Partner with a demonstration site to test and refine training and reporting practices.

  • Collaborate with site leadership to coordinate training and development efforts.

  • Conduct baseline assessments at the demonstration site to evaluate current reporting accuracy and practices.

  • Use feedback to begin outlining the second iteration of the National Online Reporting Assistant software (i.e., UX, UI, and enhanced value integrations).

  • Secure at least one school partner for pilot implementation for the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Outline partnership expectations with school site including a training schedule.

June – August 2025: Prepare for Integration

  • Complete UX/UI prototypes for NORA’s second iteration and begin initial user testing to validate enhanced value integrations for NORA 2.0.

  • Continue providing onsite training to staff at the demonstration site.

  • Conduct assessments at the demonstration site to evaluate reporting knowledge..

  • Refine training materials and strategies for integration into school sites.

  • Prepare to integrate CSI’s program into our first school site.

September – December 2025: Onsite Coaching and Training

  • Provide onsite training to school staff on effective reporting practices.

  • Gather ongoing feedback from trainees to refine training materials.

  • Conduct end-of-year post assessment to identify learning and initiative outcomes.

  • [Event] Analyze assessment data and share end-of-year results with the Legacy Partner(s), fiscal sponsor, and community stakeholders to build momentum for 2026.

  • Compile and publish a end-of-year impact report summarizing key learnings from the demonstration site and pilot school.

  • Begin outlining and designing CSI’s standardized online training content on mandated reporting and best practices.

  • Define and establish the timeline for 2026. Note: While we have a preliminary outline for 2026, priorities will be finalized at the end of 2025.

Key Performance Indicators

By the end of December 2025:

  • Training participants will complete a 10-question assessment, with at least 80% achieving a passing score of 70% or higher. Note: Demonstration site scores will be separated from school site scores, as demonstration staff will have received more training.

  • 80% of training participants will report feeling ‘very comfortable’ or confident using the National Online Reporting Assistant (NORA) as their primary tool for reporting non-urgent concerns of abuse or neglect.

Pass/Fail Model

Our training grading scale.

Grading Scale Definitions:

  1. Distinction (DIS): Reserved for participants who demonstrate exceptional mastery and go beyond expectations. For example, their mock reports are exemplary, and their assessment scores are near perfect.

  2. High Pass (HP): Reflects strong performance with minor areas for improvement. Participants are well-prepared and demonstrate a high level of competency.

  3. Pass (P): The standard for satisfactory completion. Participants achieve the required level of understanding and practical ability to meet training objectives.

  4. Low Pass (LP): Indicates participants are struggling but have met the minimum standards. Their work shows effort but requires further improvement.

  5. Fail (F): Reserved for participants who fail to meet minimum standards, either through poor performance or incomplete work.

Last updated